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Monday, July 19, 2010

Part 1

Rizu Scho sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes. Today was market day in Courane and she needed to be there. If she didn't sell her precious tomato plants this month she probably wouldn't be able to get enough money for food. Courane was the only town near her small hut in the forest and they only allowed sellers from outside of town once a month. Rizu went every month to sell plants, produce, or her own handiwork, depending on the time of year. The walk into town would take almost an hour and she would be selling until sunset so she would be gone the whole day. She had a cart she would take to town that she had had made a few years back by a traveling carpenter in exchange for a bed for the night and two meals. That was how she got almost everything she needed, trading room and board for a night or two so she could use what money she got to keep herself alive.

Her cart was made specially for taking plants into town without jostling them to much. On the top portion she had slots for each plant as well as extra wooden dividers she could put in for smaller plants. On the lower portion, she would place anything she was taking into town or bringing back out that were not more plants. In this portion she placed some bread to eat on the road and two water skins. Under her heavy green cloak, she wore a light brown skirt and a green tunic. Framing her face were dark brown shoulder length curls and a small pendant. Her brown eyes scanned the forest as she put the key to her now locked hut in her belt pouch along with her coins.

She pushed her cart out onto the road towards Courane at a brisk pace, still scanning the woods. She had never been jumped but she had heard many stories and did not want to become the newest one. While scanning the road, she noticed a small tree that was growing almost sideways with the roots half out of the ground and the trunk parallel to the dirt. "Well, that won't do at all." She went to the sapling and gently pulled it out of the dirt. "You look like you need a new home young fella." She told the tree. She noticed the tree had a strange blue tint to the bark and hoped it wasn't sick. There were a few extra pots in the cart and she potted it, then continued on her way.

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